How to Start a Web Design Business Using Squarespace

Work Online, Travel The World + Live Creatively

4 Essential Steps To Start An Online Business And Travel The World!

Must-watch video interview! We're chatting with Amber of Amber Brannon Design, who quit her 9-5 job, started her own full-time graphic design studio and its now working with huge brands! Click to watch the full interview.

Let's get real girl – have you ever sat in your cubie and daydreamed about starting your own web design biz so you could be your own boss and work from anywhere in the world?!

But then you thought, "Hmmm, web design seems complicated though! I'll need to learn code and I'm so not a tech wiz!" so you push that idea to the backburner real fast…(you're probably also sippin' a glass of wine too if we're being real honest!) We'll guess what? What if I told you that:

1. You're not alone (welcome to an entire community of millennial girl bosses chasing their dreams and building killer online business – ahem, like our sweet interviewee today!)

2. You don't need to be a coder – Say whaaat?! Yep, you heard that right. Web design has just gotten a whole lot more simple…and fun if you ask us! Keep readin' to find out more.

Today, we're sitting down with a serious globetrotting girl boss, Paige Brunton of The Paige Studio.

Alright, ready to get inspired chica?  Click play to watch our interview with Paige below!

In This Chat:

Alright, ready to get inspired chica?  Click play to watch our interview with Paige below

• How Paige got started and what she does [1:00]

• Why Paige loves Squarespace over WordPress + Wix [2:50]

• Should you design a website for free if you're just starting out? [4:25]

• How Paige self-taught herself web design [5:20]

• Do you need to learn how to code? [8:25]

• How long it took Paige to have a steady flow of clients [9:30]

• Paige's seriously sweet 2-week web design process [12:30]

• How Paige sends client invoices [17:50]

• Should you use paid advertising to gain clients when you're just starting out? [19:00]

• How Paige differentiates herself from other web designers [22:30]

• Budget-wise is Squarespace or WordPress better? [23:20]

• How long it took Paige to sustain a full-time income online [26:00]

• How Paige comes up with engaging topics for her blog [28:20]

• How often Paige posts a new blog post and her fave social platforms [34:25]

• How does website maintenance work for past clients? [38:10]

• How to switch from WordPress to Squarespace [40:00]

• How Paige teaches her clients how to use Squarespace [43:00]

• Paige's fave Squarespace template [44:30]

• How Paige decided to price her web design services [49:30]

• How many hours Paige works per day [55:20]

Resources Mentioned:


Getting Started with Squarespace Guide



Google Drive

Paige's Blog

Hello Bonsai

Adobe Illustrator


Strategy Hour Podcast

Smart Passive Income Podcast

Goal Digger Podcast

Book Yourself Solid

Must-watch video interview! We're chatting with Paige of The Paige Studio, who runs her remote online Squarespace Web Design Business and travels the world! Click to watch the full interview.

Name:Paige Brunton

Current Location: Hanover, Germany (Paige's hometown is Toronto, Canada!)

Business: Squarespace Website Design at The Paige Studio

3 Girl Boss Must-Haves:

1. The Calm App – I meditate daily, meditation is what turned my business around from hot mess to success, and the Calm app helps greatly with this!

2. My Pineapple Simplified Planner – I've recorded every important to do and date in a planner for years, and I'm not ready to go fully digital yet, so my planner comes everywhere with me. Plus, it has gold pineapples and is adorable, so I love both using it and admiring how cute it is.!

3. Background Noise – I'm such a multi tasker that my brain gets bored when it's just doing one thing, so if I'm designing a website I always have something playing in the background. A Spotify playlist, a podcast (love The Strategy Hour and Goal Digger) a YouTube video (Sailing La Vegabond is SO great – I want their lives!), or of course, the ever classic Gilmore Girls (#TeamLogan).

Hola! I'm Paige. Wanna hear my story? Alright, alright, I'll spill the beans. I'm a Squarespace web designer by day, a lover of color blocking, white space, clean design, and finding new creative ways to modernize all the fab websites I work on. I'm a sucker for a good @ThinkCreativeCollective Strategy Hour podcast. You'll also find me on a never-ending online education spree, teaching myself all things business, content creation, and design. (@Skillshare is a personal fav for this!) Prior to starting my business I was a travel blogger, and while I don't blog about travel anymore, I never gave up my love for exploring this beautiful world. I'm indeed the gal who works from her laptop while off wherever my (Canadian????????) passport takes me. After a hell of a rocky start to going full time with my business, I realized having my mind in a good place is the most important aspect to my businesses success. I've recently gotten into all the woo-woo, mindset, manifestation goodness, and you'll find me meditating daily. *Ommmmm*

A post shared by P A I G E (@thepaigestudio) on

Connect With Paige:

The Paige Studio Website




How to Start a Web Design Business Using Squarespace


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